Alissa Lawton Design

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A Life Changing Morning Routine

I learned the value of a morning routine about four years ago and it has become the most important part of my daily life. I wake up at 4:45am because I want to. Because it is that valuable to me. Because it has changed my life. Like many of you, I am busy juggling marriage, our kids, my job, cooking, cleaning and more. From the moment I wake up until I lay down in bed, I do not stop moving. I spent years attempting to fit in my wellness practices into nooks and crannies of the day and was unsuccessful. It was not until I started doing some serious work on intentionally taking better care of myself that I decided to prioritize my morning routine…and I have never looked back. Now, every single day when my alarm rings, I wake up excited to get going because I know it will make me a happier person, a better mom and a better wife. Sitting in silence before any of the kids are awake and diving into practices that fill my soul is one of my absolute favorite parts of the day. No interruptions, no multi tasking, no noise, no one climbing on me…just myself, my music and my thoughts. It is heavenly. It is grounding. It is my happy place. I would love to encourage you to give it a try, I promise it can be life changing if you prioritize it. You are worth it!

Benefits Of A Morning Routine:

  • Reduces stress

  • Grounds you

  • Makes you more efficient

  • You are in control of your day instead of it controlling you

  • Allows you to get organized for the day ahead

  • Gives you more patience

  • Starts you out in a good mindset

  • Allows you to check some things off the to-do list before anyone else is awake

My Morning Routine:

I’ll break down my morning for you and I encourage you to create a regular practice of your own. There are so many valuable things that are possible to incorporate, so find the things that fill your cup and build it based on those and the time you can carve out.

Here’s what I do:

1. Wake up (4:45am)

2. Turn on soft lighting and a candle (ambiance is important to set a good mood)

3. Make a cup of earl grey tea with collagen powder

4. Devotional time and prayer

5. Hand letter the main idea of the devotional (because it is a way to learn a new skill I've wanted to know and allows me to practice it daily)

6. Write down 10 blessings in my life that I saw and felt the day before

7. Highlight a “mama moment” with each of my children from the day before. This way I can look back and reminisce on the precious moments of days gone by in a few years.

8. Write down 10 goals for my life. Big goals. Lofty goals. No dream is too big.

9. Schedule out and make a to do list of my day. This helps me keep track of what I need to get done in the midst of kid distractions. I schedule my work hours, my work to-do list and personal to-do list.

10. Make my bed! A must! This is a game changing habit!

11. Wake the kids up (6:00am)

12. Make breakfast for kids (6:00-6:30am)

13. Workout (very distractedly) while the kids eat breakfast

14. Make a breakfast shake for myself to drink on the way to school (7:00am)

15. On the road to school (7:15am)

Some Building Blocks For Creating Your Own Routine:

If you need a place to start creating your routine, mix and match from these:

Remember - above all, strive to create a realistic routine that works for your life. Maybe you are a new mama juggling midnight feedings and life and just trying to stay sane through it all. I’ve been there and I feel you! Take care of yourself. This isn’t the time to make yourself wake up early. Perhaps an evening routine would serve you better. Or maybe you are juggling the challenges of a the night shift and your mornings and nights aren’t the same as the sun. Develop a routine that makes sense for your days. Whether you make time for gratitude and moving your body in the morning, afternoon lunch break or at night, create a schedule that works for your life. Wishing you all the best as you create something that works for you!