The Secret To Being Productive With Sara Hill Of Wander Design + Rentals
We live in a fast paced world where the quest for ultimate productivity is one that many people are on. I often find myself in a pile of overwhelming to-do lists and wishing for just one bonus day to accomplish the things I can’t seem to get done during the week. Between juggling kids, work, home life and trying to find any time for myself, it often feels near impossible to fit it all in. I know I am SO not alone in this.
Turn the comparison game into an opportunity to learn
Do you have those people in your life that seem to amaze you with their productivity? I easily find myself in the comparison game of… “How does she do it all? She must not have kids? Or does she stay up all night? Does she have help? How can I be more like her?” The comparison root of this is not healthy. However, if we turn the comparison questions into a healthy quest to understand the systems that others use to accomplish their goals, we may indeed learn something new and find some systems that can work for ourselves along the way.
Meet Sara Hill - Entrepreneur, Mom and Productivity Expert
Sara Hill, co-owner of Wander Design and Rentals and Seattle Tiny Wedding is one of those people that I learn a little something new from each time I see her. She’s also one of those women who I constantly wonder how she does all she does. Lucky for me, I work with Sara and so I get to glean juicy tid-bits from her often. Sara is one of those women who seem to be able to accomplish a gazillion things in the time that it takes most of us to just drink a cup of coffee in the morning. So, I am here to publicly learn from Sara and allow her to share with all of us, her secret to productivity.
First things first, you’ve gotta know how incredible this lady is… Sara is a mom of two teenage boys, which automatically makes her an unpaid Uber driver from Costco to home to sports games and back again. She’s an entrepreneur with a passion for integrating big ideas into her business and growing them into successful ventures. She’s got a green thumb and enjoys gardening - especially dahlias and tomatoes. She volunteers on her local youth sports league board and works A LOT. Just reading this list automatically qualifies her an expert to give us this lesson!
I’m so thrilled to be a part of Sara and Cara’s team at Wander!
Speaking of the ways she integrates new and big ideas… Sara and Cara (co-owner) of Wander Design + Rentals spent time over the past year recognizing shifts in the industry and finding ways they could add value to what they currently offer. Branching out from their roots as a boutique rental company, they have launched Wander Event Rentals into Wander Design + Rentals - a full-service design, event planning and rental company. (Lucky me, I get to help in this endeavor as the Director of Event Management!) They also launched Seattle Tiny Wedding, a sister company to Wander that is the first all-inclusive, done for you micro wedding solution. That’s a lot to accomplish in a year…and no doubt, Sara’s systems certainly played a role in this achievement.
Needless to say, Sara’s pretty much the bees knees. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to take notes on her lesson, so let’s dive in.
Sara’s secret method to productivity: throw away your to-do list with time blocking
Sara’s secret to productivity lies in Time Blocking and she is going to break it down step-by-step for us below, so that we too, can take control of our time and accomplish more. By the end of this practice, you can throw away your to-do list and start accomplishing your goals.
From Sara: I love to share this system. It has totally changed the way I operate. I used to have huge to do lists with no actual concept of the time it would take to complete these projects. I wouldn't block time to actually get it done, so little things in a day would creep in and I would have to push it out again. Never getting things done. I always felt behind. I always had a sense that there were never enough hours in a day. Now that I calendar every task, I can easily see what will fit in my schedule and what will not. I can prioritize what I actually have time to complete. As long as I stick to my calendar I know I am not behind.
Monday: Hour One
Once a week sit down to map out your week. This is about a 2 hour process for me, but really sets me up for success. I usually do it on Sunday, but whenever you start your week is fine.
Brain Dump
Take a blank sheet of paper and dump everything in your head out, personal and for work. Make a list of all tasks that need to be completed, big and small
2. Review your list
For anything that is bigger, break down the task further. Writing down each step to get the end result you are looking for. Again, big and small, breaking down each Big item into smaller tasks.
3. Delegate
Now go back through the list and see what items can be delegated to someone else. Go ahead and assign that task to them now. I will email an employee, text my husband or kids, or put it on a shared calendar for someone else. Right then and there it is crossed off my list.
4. Eliminate
Go back through and ask yourself what you can eliminate all together. Does that task actually need to be accomplished? Does it help you to reach your goals. Busy work is just busy. Get rid of it.
5. Accomplish quick tasks
Go back through and any task that can be completed in less than 5 minutes, go ahead and do it. Pay that bill online. Call and make that dentist appointment. Cross those items off the list.
6. Time assignments
Now what you have left are the things you need to accomplish through the week or beyond that really matter. Assign a time to each task. Be realistic about what it will take you to get this done.
7. Schedule your personal life
Now open your electronic calendar. I use my Google Calendar, but you can use whatever you like. First, put in all of your personal commitments. Work outs, cooking dinner, family movie night. Whatever you need to make sure the important things happen in your personal life. I organize my kids sports activities and car pooling, making sure things I have committed to are on the calendar.
8. Schedule the rest of your list
Then make calendar entries for each task on your list. With an electronic calendar you can easily move things around to fit into your schedule. Make sure to leave buffer times in your calendar for eating, getting ready and doing kid stuff. It's easy to forget those transition times and that can easily mess up your day.
9. The end of week roll-over / elimination
You've assigned a time limit to each task and you'll find there are just never enough hours in a day. Anything I can not accomplish this week I will put onto Monday of the following week so it does not fall off my radar and when I do the following weeks planning I can work it in. Consider what else you can delegate or eliminate here.
10. Throw away that to-do list
Now crumple up that sheet of paper you dumped your brain onto and throw it away. No more to do lists or paper planning needed.
The most important part:
The most important part of this system is yet to come. It is showing up for the commitments you've made to yourself and actually doing the things you put on your calendar. In addition, you've set a time limit for each task. You must complete the task in the time you've given yourself. A task will take the time allotted to do it in. Don't allow yourself to push things off. Get it done. Life gets in the way often and each morning I review what is on my calendar for the day and if there is anything that did not get done, I can work it in. I adjust as I go through the week.
Sara developed her system by combining methods she learned on The Life Coach School podcast from Episode #261 “Throw Away Your To-Do List” as well as the book Get Sh*t Done by Jeffery Gitomer.
links to the book and podcast episode are here for you:
Thank you!
Sara, I am so grateful to you for sharing your Time Blocking system and secrets to the ultimate productivity with us! I cannot wait to try it out in my own life and feel the difference it makes! I hope many of you find it super insightful and helpful as well. If you have questions for Sara, she welcomes you to reach out to her!
Make sure you are following along with Sara
You know Sara is a mover and shaker, so make sure you are keeping up with her latest and greatest achievements!